Member Benefits & FAQ

Hopedale Wellness Center Fitness Floor Hopedale Wellness Center Gym


Amenities Hopedale Wellness Center has to offer:


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Do I get a free guest with my membership?
    Yes. The basic gym membership is the only plan that has the one free guest add-on.
  2. Can I purchase the add-on options without a basic gym or aquatics membership?
    No. You must have either a gym or aquaitcs membership plan to have any add-on's.
  3. Does having a membership allows full use of the gym and pool?
    No. You must have either a sand-alone gym or aquatic membership and purchase the add-on if you want use of the entire facility.
  4. If I have a gym membership, can I purcahse a day pass to use the pool?
    Yes. You may purchase a pool day pass.  These are $20.00 for an adult and $15.00 for a child.  Children 6 years and under are free.
  5. Do you have Silver Sneakers?
    No. We do not participate in any insurance-based pricing program.  However, we have membership programs with reduced pricing for those who are 65 years of age and older.
  6. If I'm 65, but my spouse is not, do we still qualify for the Senior Membership Couple Plan?
    Yes. As long as one of the two members is 65 or older.
  7. If I need to cancel my membership, what do I need to do?
    You must give the Wellness Center written notice 30 days prior to cancellation.
  8. What if I need to put my membersip on hold because of a medical reason, leaving town, etc.?
    You must give the Wellness Center written notice of "hold on account."  Doing this will stop EFT payments until you return.  

For all questions or issues, please contact the Wellness Center at 309-449-4500.